What to do when someone fraudulently claims your dependent

If you e-file your tax return and get a message telling you that a dependent on your return has been claimed on another tax return or on their own tax return, or if you receive an IRS Notice CP87A, you’ll need to verify you entered the correct information for the dependent(s) you claimed.

Did you enter your dependent’s information correctly?

If so, you need to know the IRS is prohibited from telling you who claimed your dependent(s). Due to federal privacy laws, the IRS can only disclose the return information if the victim’s name and SSN are listed as either the primary or secondary taxpayer on the fraudulent return. For this reason, the IRS cannot disclose return information to any person listed only as a dependent.

If you don’t know anyone who could have claimed the dependent, your dependent may be a victim of identity theft. See The Taxpayer's Guide to Identity Theft for steps you may take if you feel you or your dependent’s identity has been stolen.

Using the Interactive Tax Assistant on IRS.gov, verify you meet the requirements to claim the dependent(s). Once you verify another person was not eligible to claim your dependent(s), you’ll need to take steps to protect your right to claim the dependent(s) and ensure an accurate filing.

Three primary steps to Claim your Dependent

If you confirmed you are eligible to claim the dependent(s), take the following steps:

  1. File a paper return

Your refund will be delayed while we investigate your case. Paper tax returns can take up to six to eight weeks for us to process.

Learn more about dependents and know your options and rights in Publication 501.