EndNote is a citation management tool used by researchers, faculty, and students to store, organize and cite references. This guide is to show how to use EndNote effectively.
EndNote allows users to find full text articles for the references in their library by enabling 1) Web of Science Full Text Links, 2) DOI, 3) PubMed Linkout, and 4) OpenURL, as long as there is an Internet connection. Rutgers users can take advantage of all the four options listed above to get full text articles in EndNote.
Please note: To enable OpenURL (the 4th option), you must be using the latest version of EndNote (20.3 or higher).
To enable the OpenURL feature in EndNote:
See the screen capture below:
Once these preferences are set, you should be able to find fulltext. If you have any question, please feel free to contact your campus librarians.
To locate full text for references in your EndNote library:
Please note that you may be prompted to authenticate using your Rutgers NetID. If you ever need to re-enter or update your login credentials, you can do this by going to References > Find Full Text > Authenticate.
To find full text, please follow these steps:
If using the Find Full Text feature does not retrieve a full text but you have the full text article in PDF, you can manually attach it to the bibliographic record:
EndNote has a built-in PDF viewer. It is located in the right pane of the EndNote Library interface. In the right pane, there are a few tabs, one of which has the PDF icon named Attached Files. Click that tab, you will see the PDF file if it is attached. If not available, it will say "There are no PDFs attached to this reference." When it is displayed, the screen will be too small to read the content in the PDF. You need to expand it to the full screen by clicking the outward arrow which is at the most right in the right pane.
Once the PDF file is in full view, you may highlight any content, or place a sticky note anywhere you want. you may remove any annotation by right clicking your mouse and choose Delete Annotation at the bottom of that box. Caution: please do not choose Remove, which will remove the whole PDF file. The annotation and sticky notes can be saved and they are searchable.